Monday, January 14, 2013

Style vs. Fashion

    Style and fashion have two different meanings. Fashion is the layers of perfectly designed articles of clothing ensembled to reach a desired look or to make a statement. Style on the other hand is attitude and confidence a person displays through the fashion. I have noticed in our surrounding area there's a lot fashion and little style. We would think we could look for style in our elected officials and community leaders, but many of them fall short. Even though their jobs and responsibilities do not require them to be stylish, we do look for the attitude and confidence to be physically displayed. Our attire says a lot about who we are. Long gone are the days men took pride in their daily appearances. Throughout the twentieth century men cared about their look, many us like myself were raised by men who believed in wearing slacks, shined shoes, and yes, belts.                                           
    The question I ask is who are young men to look up to today for prominent examples of style? Professional athletes? Entertainers? Politicians? Very few can be considered style role models. To name a few that are able to hold that title in my opinion are the obvious; President Obama (we can call his “swag"), D L Hughely (traditional style and "swag"), and LeBron James (I just like his style).

    Gentlemen the elements of style are simple; fashion yourself in ways that display your personality. Stay away from silly trends. Wear clothing that fit; alter what needs to be altered: suits, jeans, and/or shirts. Style can be achieved through brand name designers to store brands it really makes no- difference. Have pride in the way you look, be confident and self assured and others will notice your style.
     Until next week, stay "style connected!