Tuesday, May 7, 2013

“Top “it Off with the Right Hat

The purpose of summer hats are to protect our heads from the sun. Let’s be real people, we wear them for style; to accentuate our coolness! But guys you must wear the hat made for the appropriate seasons. The key I believe is to wear hats that look like they should be worn in the summer. Don’t wear felt or velour hats when it’s 90 degrees out. You may think you look cool, but most people are probably just wondering if you’re on crack. So let’s try to find a way to keep your heads protected from the sun, while simultaneously learning the distinction of different hats styles with the ones that I consider my picks for the summer listed below:

 The Straw Fedora
For real summer style throw on a straw fedora. The fedora will always be classy, but the straw adds summer class. It gives you the same style affect as the winter felt does.  It Keeps you cool and makes you look even cooler.



The Porkpie is a great alternative to the fedora. While the fedora is classy the porkpie is more relaxed and casual. They look great with summer linens and cottons, especially when there made from straw like the one pictured.

The Straw Baseball Cap

I call it the Frankie Beverly. The straw baseball cap is perfect to top off casual wear such as with shorts, sandals, and t-shirts.

The Boater

The Boater has always been popular in my family for decades, and it will become more popular after this Friday’s release of Leonardo DiCaprio in The Great Gatsby. It’s vintage and brings an unusual element to summer style. Now it takes a fashionably confident person to pull it off; it’s not for everyone. But, you will see me sporting mine this summer.

So there you have it, my four ideas for fashionable summer “lids” that you can add to your style repertoire. Just remember, just because it works for someone else doesn't necessarily mean that it will work for you. Style is a very personal, but once you find your own you really start to make impressions. Until next week, “Stay Style Connected!”

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