Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't Confuse Your Style!

Guy’s I had a completely different topic for this week, but seeing Dwayne Wade in his pre-game entrance changed all of that.
Guy’s you have heard me say I’m all for experimenting with your own personal style, and to identify your style with your personality. But, go back to one of my earlier blogs where I raise the question, “Can I get away with this look?” If you have to ask the question then it’s not the look for you. Gentlemen you may think there should not be rules to experimental style, but there is. When attempting gender crossing looks like D-Wade did you must ask yourself if this is the image I won’t to portray to the public. He and his stylist took a risk of taking a staple piece from women’s spring wear (The Capri’s) and decided to venture into making it an unisex ensemble. Well, it flopped!  D-Wade is known for his controversial style choices, but this went too far. He is engaged to one of the prettiest black women on earth and he decides to dress like her. Fellas, there are a lot of unisex styles that can be pulled off; scarves, flower lapel pins, and some cases flower patterned shirts. But Capri’s are not one. D-Wade fire your stylist she’s hurting your off court image. Until next week” Stay Style connected!”

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