Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Can’t See the Forest for the Trees!

This week fellas I’m coming to you about your natural born accessory; facial hair. Guys if you have ever heard the saying” you can’t see the forest for the trees”, the saying goes for facial hair too.  You could have put together an eye catching ensemble you will catch looks, but if you’re not groomed properly it will surely go unnoticed. If you are one of those guys who just can’t grow a full beard; let it go no need try anymore. Now, if you’re blessed enough to be able to grow a descent beard; then keep it trimmed. Don’t look like Shia Lebeouf or Brad Pitt between movies or kids.

 And if you’re sporting so much gray that it makes you look much older than you are; then there’s nothing wrong with applying a little “Just for Men”, it’ll be just your secret. Guys emulate the likeness of Will Smith, Justine Timberlake, and John Legend; these men are always impeccably groomed.

One last note gentlemen, invest in a pair of nose hair trimmers, no-one wants to see the bush growing in your nose. Ironically my best friend seems to supply me with a new pair each Christmas. Until next week, “Stay Style Connected!”

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Catch me on twitter and instagram @Drobins1us