Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Scents For the Season

A man’s scent is also one of the accessories a guy should take pride in. Even after you have left the room it should still be on the ladies minds. So fellas, with the change of season there should be a change of fragrance.The heavy colognes you wear during the winter months should not be worn in the summer. Summer weather dictates a lighter approach to your signature scents. During the summer months you need to wear colognes with citrus or floral top notes that ride lightly over musk and spice bottom notes. The definition of note in cologne is different than what it means in music.  The top note is what you get when you open the bottle and smell. The middle note is really the heart of the cologne; the body and helps to produce the scent. The base note or final note of cologne to holds together the fragrance. But back to the topic; the floral notes should be in the background as most men should only have a hint of floral notes to give off a fresh smell. No guy wants to smell like a woman, even though there are plenty of unisexed scents on the market; stay away from them.

Summer colognes for men work best in the heat and humidity, the opposite of how winter colognes work. The good thing about summer colognes is that designers will put out versions for each season, so it’s easier to pick the type you need. Choose your signature scent wisely; it will be what stays on people’s minds once you have left the room; besides your style ensemble. Keep it simple don't over do it. And please never choose your scents alone; get a second opinion. Until next week,” Stay Style Connected!”

These are my five top picks for the Summer.

Counter clockwise: Prada, Le Male by Jean Paul Gaultier, Bleu de Chanel, YSL Frozen, and Hugo Red

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