Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Pimp" to" Primped"

   Last week a friend of mine sent me a fashion poll inquiring whether we men preferred one, two, or three button suit jackets. Well any of those styles in suit jacket are acceptable; I personally am partial to the two button suits or blazers. But wearing any suit jacket extra long with multiple buttons (more than three) is just offensive. A respectable gentleman with any style sense wouldn't be caught dead in a modern day “Zoot suit”. I relished in the fun and fashion men had with style during the Harlem Renascence, but realistically let’s leave that fashion declaration where it belongs; in the 1920’s.

To be admired for style and respected in any social setting, with all do respect to the Bishop but, ditch the T.D. Jake’s look and cross over to Steve Harvey chic. Hey, Steve Harvey  made the change from “Pimp” to “Primped”, you can too. Until next, “Stay Style Connected!”