Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Easter Sunday Quiz

Gentlemen, Easter as you all know is this coming weekend. And if you have been following my blogs you are more than ready to look great on Sunday; this will be your test. Some of you may even be ready to experiment with a new look; if you feel froggy then leap! But I just have just a little piece of advice; Easter and spring are both representative of pastel colors. So my advice to you fellas, is leave the pastel colored suits to the female escort liaisons (Pimps), it is ok to partake in pastel shirts and ties. Guys, experiment with wearing suit jackets and complementary colored trousers, double breasted suits, window pane pattern sports coats, or a bow-tie this Sunday. Whatever your look for Easter service is have confidence in it; it’s the best accessory you can posses. Besides, many of you have to look good because you’ll probably be called out for not attending service since last Easter. Until next week, Stay Style Connected!



For those of you trying your hand at tying a bow-tie for the first time click the link below.

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Linkedln-Dennis Robinson

Catch me on twitter and instagram @Drobins1us