Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Personalize Your Style

     Gentleman, in my last few blogs I have been discussing the rules of style. Guys,I don’t want you all to think that acquiring and maintaining style is all black and white. You can have fun with style by placing your own signature on it. Some of my close friends have put their personal stamps on their style. For example, my buddy Leon always wears a fresh pair of glasses, my best friend Marvin accents his look with bow-ties, and me, I always wear a stylish hat with most of my ensembles.  Your signature can be any fashion accessory you desire, a customized pen, cuff links, pocket squares, watches, umbrellas, or even a brand name, i.e. Ralph Lauren. Heck, Samuel Jackson (actor) is known as the Kangol King. Whatever you may decide to identify yourself with, have fun with it. Stamp your style! Until next week, Stay Style Connected!

 Accessory ideas to personalize your style; be creative!